Published Jan 3, 2023
Signee Q&A with Jordan Sanford
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Matt Clare  •  RedRaiderSports
Recruiting Analyst

We caught up with Arlington Timberview safety Jordan Sanford as part of our signee Q&A series for the class of 2023. We asked him a few questions as he prepares to make the transition from a Timberview Wolf to a Texas Tech Red Raider.

What was the most memorable moment of your HS career?      

"My most memorable high school experience has to be going to the fourth round in the playoffs this year"

What was your favorite part of the recruiting process?   

"My favorite part of the recruiting process was definitely all the traveling and meeting new people and trying new things."

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What was the craziest thing any coach said to you in your recruitment?    

"The craziest thing a coach said to me during my recruitment was probably that they would be at the current school they were at for years to come, but then end up leaving a few weeks later for a new job"

What was the biggest reason you picked Texas Tech?      

"The biggest reason I picked Tech was because I believe that I can build my network in Lubbock and that it has a lot of ties to the Dallas-Fort Worth area after graduation"

What’s your favorite Tech uniform combination?          

"My favorite uniform combination is the red jerseys with white pants and white helmets"

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What number do you want to wear at Tech and why?      

"I want to wear No. 7 or No. 8 at Tech because I wore No. 7 basically my whole life up until high school, but I am also okay with wearing No. 8 because I have had a lot of success wearing that number"

What are your goals for your freshman season, and overall in your Tech career?        

"My goals for my freshman season is to be 100-percent accustomed to college and living away from home. If I have the chance to play as a true freshman, then I'm going to make the best out of that opportunity. If not, I will make sure that I stay focused in the classroom and be prepared for when my name is called"

What is your current height and weight?         

"6-foot, 186-pounds"

Who are your favorite pro sports teams?      

"I don't have any favorite pro sports teams"

If you can have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?        

"If I could have dinner with anyone in the world it would probably be Deion Sanders because he is obviously one of the best corners to play the game and he has done a lot to help the community off the field as well, so I think it would be great for me to pick his brain for a few hours"

You get one song to play when you’re running out of the tunnel. What song do you pick?      

"2040 by Lil Baby"

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What is your favorite movie?       

"My favorite movie is Civil War"

What’s your favorite food or restaurant?    

"Wings and my favorite restaurant is BJ's Brewhouse"

What is the last thing you want to tell Tech fans before you head out to Lubbock?      

"Raider Power!"

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