Late Practice Notebook from Day 2 of Camp
HD VIDEO: Rhoads, Richardson, Ramirez following Day 2
HD VIDEO: Hogs back at it on Day 2 of camp
Early Practice Notebook from Day 2 of Camp
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One thing about this secondary, from guys like Kevin Richardson, Santos Ramirez and Ryan Pulley, they sure do make it sound good. We'll see if they turn it around... -Ed.
Arkansas wrapped up the second day of preseason camp on Friday, and the defense showed well according to participants as the Razorbacks continue to install the scheme, to bring on developmental players and to solve personnel questions.
Arkansas’ new 3-4 defense isn’t as important as is the simple concept of the players doing what they are coached. After practice, defensive coordinator Paul Rhoads discussed the fundamentals of tackling and how he wants defenders to take that extra step all the way into the ball carrier’s toes, to explode with their hips and wrap up. He also outlined what it will take to be successful in the new structure.
“The nose guard has got to have his hands on the center and take care of his A-gap. The ends have got to have their hands on the tackle and they’ve got to take care of the B-gap. Our outside linebackers have got to set the edge on anything that comes at them and be involved in the quick passing game. Our linebackers have got to go where the backs go, and our secondary can’t let people behind them. If 11 guys are doing those things on a play-by-play basis regardless of the call, we’ve got a chance to play good competitive defense.”